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EarthPlex is Going to Post Less - Here's Why

 Why we're switching to two posts a week - EarthPlex 

In May of 2020, I started EarthPlex as a blog for me to post about the environment and keep myself occupied during the coronavirus pandemic. Early into the development, I decided to open EarthPlex up to anybody who wants to contribute to it with a focus on teens. Since I founded EarthPlex, it was featured in the NY Times, we have had a few guest posts, and - if I counted correctly - this is our fiftieth post! 

I feel incredibly proud to have accomplished so much in so little time. Now that the school year has begun, I need to balance posting with my schoolwork. I am confident that I will be able to, but  I will have to compromise. I have decided to continue posting this school year every Monday and Friday to increase the quality of my posts. I will have to see with time if I can bring back my Wednesday posts or only post once per week. 

Besides a quantitative reduction of blog posts EarthPlex will create, not much will change. We'll continue posting, updating our Instagram, and accepting posts from contributors. Thank you to everybody who has supported me thus far, and there is a lot more to come.

If you haven't read my older posts, feel free to check them out! They cover topics such as the environmental impacts of companies, food reviews, and information about the climate crisis. Also, you can get notified when EarthPlex posts with our (FREE) mailing list!


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