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Responding to The Green Schools Campaign Instagram Posts

 Responding to The Green Schools Campaign Instagram Posts 

⏱ 2.5 minute read

The Green Schools Campaign is an organization with the mission to "transition every school in the world to 100% renewable energy by creating a diverse, global network of young activists ready to fight fossil fuel companies in their local communities." EarthPlex interviewed Cooper Powers recently, a researcher for the organization, so we decided to look into Instagram posts from the Green Schools Campaign.

Our bodies aren't meant to breathe dirty air. Humans need clean and safe air to live comfortably which shows that we're already feeling the wrath of the climate crisis. We must limit how much crap people and corporations can put into our atmosphere. 

Climate skeptics have the right to believe that climate change is a hoax, but they also have the right to know all of the facts. I suggest looking through this or keeping it as a reference because there are people out there who can't wrap their heads around this crisis, but that's ok as long as they keep an open mind, so we can educate them on the science and economics of the climate crisis.

Our actions have a great impact on our future. If we are cautious about how what we do will impact the Earth, we'll arrive at a cleaner and greener future. Change starts now.

We would cease to exist without Earth. It is where all of us have spent our entire lives (unless you're an astronaut, and comment if you are). We wouldn't destroy our houses and apartments, so we must not destroy our planet. 

Yes, Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, but he's no end all be all for the planet; no one is. We will only achieve climate justice if we fight for it regardless of who's in political office. As the Green Schools Campaign said, "the battle is far from over." 

I suggest following the Green Schools Campaign on Instagram to see all of their posts. You can also follow EarthPlex on Instagram by clicking here, along with our (FREE) mailing list to get notified when we post (Mondays and Fridays at 11:00 a.m. ET).

Read: Reacting to Climate Change Memes

Click here to read all of our Instagram responses as well as food, book, video, and app reviews.


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