Earth Hero App Full Review
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EarthPlex has been searching for apps that can help increase awareness of people's emissions. When I was searching through the Google Play Store a few weeks ago, I found the Earth Hero app, and I've been using it since then. If you haven't read my first impressions of the app, you should go read it before this full review.
What is Earth Hero?
Earth Hero is an app on the App Store and Google Play Store that helps people lower their personal emissions. They have a list of actions that people can take; each action is organized by its impact level and difficulty. For example, switching electricity to clean energy has an impact of 75 (impact is measured on a point system based on positive environmental effects) and a difficulty level of medium.
Earth Hero's goal is for people to become more aware of their carbon emissions so they can lower them.
What I like
Overall, I really like Earth Hero. It is designed like a social media app (shameless plug to follow EarthPlex on social media) with a long feed of actions I can take. I saved some actions for later, such as giving a public climate talk. Earth Hero also allows me to add actions to my goals. That means that Earth Hero notifies me to ask about my progress. I added Review Earth Hero to my goals, and if you're reading this, I have successfully checked off this action. I also appreciate the frequent app updates I've received since installing Earth Hero. The app has a beautiful user interface that makes me want to take more climate action.
What I don't like
In regards to what I don't like, I have to be a bit picky. Even though Earth Hero is polished, I have had a couple annoyances over the last few weeks. The first one I also mentioned in my first impressions post. Every time I launch the app, it makes a ding sound that gets quite annoying. I like the quotes it shows when I open the app, but the sound bothers me. Also, details on the calculation of points is a bit unclear. Does one point equal one kg of CO2 emissions saved? I would like to know how the points are calculated.
Final Thoughts
Earth Hero is a refined app that combines an attractive interface with a social mission. I highly recommend this app because it's easy to use and incredibly helpful.
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