"How We Fix the Climate" According to World-Famous Authors
John Green and Hank Green are well-known authors, entrepreneurs, and YouTubers. Following a recent climate report from the United Nations, the two brothers made a video about how to fight climate change. I found this video incredibly informative and inspiring, and I believe everyone should watch it.
The video lists a few ways to lower your negative impact on the environment, the most important being to inform yourself on policies. Any EarthPlex reader knows that being informed can help people to make more educated and wiser decisions.
A few minutes into the video, there's a chart that breaks down what is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. This alone is enough information to make you more educated about climate change than 99% of the public, but the video contains plenty more information.
For example, the video explores solutions to climate change, such as carbon pricing. These solutions are explained in an easy-to-understand way, so I highly recommend watching the entire video for all the details.
Here's an interesting question from the video: "Does it matter who gets rich if we get all the carbon out of the atmosphere?" Comment your thoughts down below!
This video must get as much attention as possible, so please share this post with somebody who needs to see this!
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