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Submit a Post

EarthPlex now posts less frequently, so we do not respond to all submissions.

If you are interested in featuring your work on the EarthPlex website, follow the instructions below:

  • Not all submissions will be posted. Wait times vary.
  • Submit a post to EarthPlex about an environmental topic. 
  • We prefer posts from teenagers, but anybody can contribute.
  • We would appreciate it if you could include at least one image in your post. It must be labeled for commercial reuse! (You can use websites like Pixabay.)
  • When you submit your post, EarthPlex will review it. If we decide to include it on our site, we might make changes. 
  • Submit through Google Docs by sharing the post with on "can edit" or send us an email with the post.

Please include the following information:  

  • Name (This will be included in the post. You can choose to only give your first name.)
  • Age (This will be included in the post next to your name.)
  • Email (We will not include this in the post.)

Contact us if you have any questions.

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